Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for pre-adolescent children (DBT-C) provides clinicians with specific tools for the child’s caregivers, the child, and the child’s extended environment to address severe emotional dysregulation and associated behavioral dyscontrol. DBT-C retains the theoretical model, principles, and therapeutic strategies of the standard DBT model. However, DBT-C model is considerably different from DBT for adults and adolescents. This workshop will detail how DBT-C: 1) significantly changed the presentation and packaging the information to accommodate for the developmental and cognitive levels of pre-adolescent children; 2) added an extensive parent training component; and 3) included targeting both the external controlling factors (i.e., the relationship with the environment) and the internal controlling factors (i.e., the relationship with self). The latter consideration represents the major addition to the standard DBT model, which targets primarily external controlling factors.
More information: https://www.childdbt.com/